22 December 2007

Shift Happens

Shift Happens by Karl Fisch


Big Gay Jim said...

Wow. GREAT find, Max.

Linus said...

A $1000 computer already exceeds the computational power of *my* brain...

Big Gay Jim said...

I am SOOOO not commenting on that one, Rev. I was afraid nobody else had taken the time to watch this little gem, as it's SO worth it.

Big Gay Jim said...

Ooo...there's a revised version too! It's also available on YouTube, though there's also a WikiSpace for it:


I have decided to show this to my employees, and have been showing it to everyone I know. It shows a picture of where we were, are, and might be headed in terms of information and technology. And its popularity typifies its message.

So yeah...um...I liked it and stuff. ;)

MightyMightyMax said...

Ooh, thanks for the link Jim :)

MightyMightyMax said...

Link for the newer version:


miss kt said...

ooh i like this very much :) awesome discovery