02 February 2009

Moving On

So, after much consideration I have decided that I no longer wish to maintain this blog. This doesn't mean that I am going to cease blogging; it just means that I'm going to be moving to a new home in the blogosphere. Since I rarely have much of anything to say or share, I've decided to move to a mini-blog from the Tumblr service. One way of thinking of this move is that I'm moving from this nice apartment, to a smaller, more efficient studio. The economic crisis hits us in the strangest of ways doesn't it?

Anyway, from now on I'll be updating HERE so stop on by, say "Hi," and stoke my solipsistic ways. And I may twitter from time to time - Let me know if you're interested in following me there.

For all intents and purposes, you may consider this blog discontinued. Thanks to my friends for encouraging me to keep it going this long despite lack of interest and general apathy.

Paix et Amour.


16 January 2009

Say it: O-B-A-M-A

Daft Punk vs. Adam Freeland - "Aer OBAMA"

As others have pointed out, McCain would never have gotten a video like this.


Paix et amour.