It's been pretty quiet in this corner of the web lately. This is probably because I haven't been saying anything. Nonetheless, where are my snarky, bitchy readers? Well maybe today's post will give y'all some fodder. Today's post is random and eclectic, kinda like yours truly.
Talib Kweli - Hostile Gospel pt.1
Ghandi described the stages of winning a civil rights battle as:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
I think/hope that this is the way the GLBTQ rights movement is going and will go. We are going to win our rights; it's just going to take time. We'll just have to outlive all the haters. They can't blame all of the world's problems on us for too much longer, can they? Comedian Oded Gross summed it up pretty nicely:
Oded Gross - It's All Because
And now for something completely different:
A lot of times Japanese culture seems pretty weird to Americans, but I think they're way ahead of us in terms of toilets and toilet training for kids. I think this extremely catchy song exemplifies the training part of my argument.
Thinking of catchy songs:
Deee-Lite - Groove is in the Heart
It's kind of neat to see a video from 1990 containing everything that hipster/alt culture today contains. Are today's alts ironic or do they secretly want to be Deee-Lite and her friends: the Asian-Johnny-Depp DJ, the blipster guys, the altino, etc?
Is DJ Steve Aoki the natural progression from Deee-Lite's DJ? And is current Alt culture just nostalgia for the early 90s, but with a harder (more authentic) edge to it? Does current alt music need more slide whistles and quirky dance moves?
Thinking of alts and dance music ... Anyone want to go dancing with me? I propose clubbing or dance-party, but we'll have to watch out for those angry white people from Footloose. I could also go for a fast, hard stomp:
Asian Dub Foundation - Fortress Europe
For some reason, I've been hooked on J-pop music today. I don't know why I'm admitting this since I fully expect to receive lots of shit for it, not the least of which will probably come from my boyfriend. Oh well ... :P
M-Flo loves Melody & Yamamoto Ryohei - Miss You
Tanaka Roma - One
Umm ... yeah. Cela est tout.
Paix et Amour.